"FORCE" Magazine

FORCE magazine boasts a global audience, reaching readers in over 13 countries. With availability in 10,000+ retailers and a monthly audience of over 150K on our platforms, as well as monthly magazine purchases (digitally and paperback) of over 30k+ (depending on each month and growing), you'll have the opportunity to share your inspiring story with a diverse and engaged audience worldwide.

Get in front of readers WORLDWIDE! FORCE Magazine is published throughout major retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Walmart and more. It is available in 13+ countries!

FORCE magazine boasts a global audience, reaching readers in over 13 countries. With availability in 10,000+ retailers and a monthly audience of over 150K on our platforms, as well as monthly magazine purchases (digitally and paperback) of over 30k+ (depending on each month and growing), you'll have the opportunity to share your inspiring story with a diverse and engaged audience worldwide.

Get in front of readers WORLDWIDE! FORCE Magazine is published throughout major retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target, Walmart and more. It is available in 13+ countries!

“FORCE” Magazine emerges from my deep-seated desire to shed light on the remarkable deeds of everyday individuals making extraordinary impacts. The title, "FORCE," holds profound significance, symbolizing the strength and influence each featured person brings to the table.

This platform serves as a testament to the resilience and kindness present in our communities. It aims to capture the essence of these unsung heroes who, like a force to be reckoned with, are driving positive change. With enthusiasm and dedication, FORCE Magazine seeks to explore and share the stories that inspire, uplift, and exemplify the transformative power of giving back. Join us on this meaningful journey as we unveil the force behind those making a real difference in the lives of others.

What “FORCE” means to me. The articles within the magazine will be based on the acronym "FORCE" and their meanings are represented below. Please see the below topics that are available for you to center your article around. *Please write your article in the third person*

F - Fulfillment: In FORCE, Fulfillment encapsulates the sense of satisfaction and purpose derived from making a positive impact on others' lives. It represents the joy that comes from contributing to the well-being of those around us.

O - Outreach: Outreach in FORCE embodies the commitment to extending support beyond boundaries. It signifies the dedication to reaching out to diverse communities, ensuring that our influence and assistance make a meaningful difference on a broader scale.

R - Radiate: Radiate reflects the idea of shining brightly with positivity and compassion. In FORCE, it symbolizes the power to emit a glow of kindness and generosity, inspiring others to embrace and spread the warmth of goodwill.

C - Contribute: Contribute underscores the importance of actively participating in the improvement of society. In FORCE, it signifies the act of giving back, contributing skills, resources, and time to create a collective impact that fosters positive change.

E - Empowerment: Empowerment is at the core of FORCE, representing the belief in uplifting others. It stands for providing the tools, education, and opportunities that empower individuals to overcome challenges, fostering strength and resilience within the community.


Choose the level that best represents your brand and holds the greatest impact for your intended audience.

Level 1 ($50)

  • Immerse yourself in the spotlight as our showcase feature, presenting your story through two thoughtfully chosen photos and a detailed half-page article within the magazine.

  • Bask in the online limelight with a dedicated highlight on the magazine's website, ensuring visibility to a diverse and engaged readership.

  • Word count 500 words / Includes 1 photo

Level 2 ($100)

  • Elevate your presence with up to four captivating photos and a generous full-page spread within the magazine, allowing readers to delve deep into your narrative.

  • Secure your spot in the headlines with a dedicated mention in a press release, amplifying the reach of your story and creating a buzz.

  • Bask in the prominent spotlight on the magazine's website, ensuring a central place for your feature in the online realm.

  • Word count 700 words / Includes 4 photos

Level 2 ($100)

  • Elevate your presence with up to four captivating photos and a generous full-page spread within the magazine, allowing readers to delve deep into your narrative.

  • Secure your spot in the headlines with a dedicated mention in a press release, amplifying the reach of your story and creating a buzz.

  • Bask in the prominent spotlight on the magazine's website, ensuring a central place for your feature in the online realm.

  • Word count 700 words / Includes 4 photos

Level 3 ($250)

  • Illuminate the pages with up to six captivating photos and a generous two-page spread in the magazine, ensuring an immersive experience for readers.

  • Command attention with a dedicated mention in a press release, amplifying the impact of your story beyond the pages.

  • Shine in the spotlight on the magazine's website, securing a prominent place for your feature in the digital landscape.

  • Enhance your online presence with custom social media graphics and a brand push, extending the reach of your story.

  • Gain exposure in key business circles with inclusion on CF Views business page and various platforms.

  • Engage with a wider audience through an included podcast interview on the impactful "Is Manifesting Bullshit Podcast."

  • Word count 1200 words / Includes 6 photos

Level 4 - Back Cover Ad + Article ($350)

  • Get featured on the Back Cover of FORCE Magazine


  • Elevate your presence with up to four captivating photos and a generous full-page spread within the magazine, allowing readers to delve deep into your narrative. Word Count 1200 words / Includes 4 Photos.

  • Secure your spot in the headlines with a dedicated mention in a press release, amplifying the reach of your story and creating a buzz.

  • Bask in the prominent spotlight on the magazine's website, ensuring a central place for your feature in the online realm.

  • Engage with a wider audience through an included podcast interview on the impactful "Is Manifesting Bullshit Podcast”.

Level 4 - Back Cover Ad + Article ($350)

  • Get featured on the Back Cover of FORCE Magazine


  • Elevate your presence with up to four captivating photos and a generous full-page spread within the magazine, allowing readers to delve deep into your narrative. Word Count 1200 words / Includes 4 Photos.

  • Secure your spot in the headlines with a dedicated mention in a press release, amplifying the reach of your story and creating a buzz.

  • Bask in the prominent spotlight on the magazine's website, ensuring a central place for your feature in the online realm.

  • Engage with a wider audience through an included podcast interview on the impactful "Is Manifesting Bullshit Podcast”.

Level 5 Front Cover Feature Image +

Article ($500)

  • Coveted Cover Placement: Enjoy prime visibility with a feature on the magazine cover, capturing the audience's attention right from the start.

  • Extensive Magazine Spread: Showcase your story with up to six photos and a comprehensive two-page article spread within the magazine, allowing for a detailed and impactful presentation. Word count 1500 words / Includes 6 photos.

  • Secure your spot in the headlines with a dedicated mention in a press release, amplifying the reach of your story and creating a buzz.

  • Exclusive Website Spotlight: Bask in an ultra-exclusive spotlight on the magazine's website for the entire month, ensuring prolonged visibility and recognition.

  • Enhance your online presence with a custom social media graphic and a brand push, extending the reach of your story.


  • Consistent Feature Mentions: Enjoy four mentions throughout the month, keeping your feature in the spotlight and engaging the audience at different intervals.

  • Cross-Platform Visibility: Extend your reach with a feature on CF Views business page and various platforms, broadening your exposure beyond the magazine.

  • Podcast Interview Inclusion: Participate in an included podcast interview on the "Is Manifesting Bullshit Podcast," sharing your insights and experiences with a podcast audience.

Choose your Ad Space Package:

Advertising Level 1 ($100)

  • Elevate your presence with a generous full-page ad spread within the magazine, allowing readers to

    delve deep into your brand, product and/or service.

  • Secure your spot in the headlines with a dedicated mention in a press release, amplifying the reach of

    your story and creating a buzz.

  • Bask in the prominent spotlight on the magazine's website, ensuring a central place for your feature in

    the online realm.

  • Word count 700 words / Includes 2 photos

Advertising Level 2 ($250)

  • Illuminate the pages with a generous two-page spread in the magazine, ensuring an immersive

    experience for readers.

  • Command attention with a dedicated mention in a press release, amplifying the impact of your story

    beyond the pages.

  • Shine in the spotlight on the magazine's website, securing a prominent place for your feature in the digital landscape.

  • Enhance your online presence with a custom social media graphic, extending the reach of your story.

    Take center stage on CF Views business page and various platforms, gaining exposure in key business


  • Engage with a wider audience through an included podcast interview on the impactful "Is Manifesting Bullshit Podcast.“

  • Word count 1000 words / Includes 4 photos

My Name is Cindy Witteman, I live in San Antonio Texas. I am a Business Owner, 3x International Best-Selling Author, Host of “Little Give” TV Show, 2023 Trailblazer Award recipient, Host of "Is Manifesting Bullshit Podcast", Entrepreneur, Life and Confidence Coach, Speaker, Beekeeper and the Founder/CEO of Driving Single Parents Inc. I am a former single parent and proud step mom with a total of 6 kids, 1 grandson, and 2 granddaughters. I enjoy traveling, spending time with family, and love helping others see the positives in life. I have a passion for giving back and helping single parents regain their independence.

In 2017, I Founded Driving Single Parents Inc., a 501(c)3 Non-Profit; which recently celebrated 6 years in existence. Through the hard work and dedication of our team we have successfully changed the lives of multiple single parent families with reliable vehicles, at NO cost to them. These parents have gone on to have success stories of their own by using the car as a tool. These vehicles have given them the ability to transform their single parent struggles into a thing of the past. If you would like to learn more, please visit the Website: https://drivingsingleparents.org

My Name is Cindy Witteman, I live in San Antonio Texas. I am a Business Owner, 3x International Best-Selling Author, Host of “Little Give” TV Show, 2023 Trailblazer Award recipient, Host of "Is Manifesting Bullshit Podcast", Entrepreneur, Life and Confidence Coach, Speaker, Beekeeper and the Founder/CEO of Driving Single Parents Inc. I am a former single parent and proud step mom with a total of 6 kids, 1 grandson, and 2 granddaughters. I enjoy traveling, spending time with family, and love helping others see the positives in life. I have a passion for giving back and helping single parents regain their independence.

In 2017, I Founded Driving Single Parents Inc., a 501(c)3 Non-Profit; which recently celebrated 6 years in existence. Through the hard work and dedication of our team we have successfully changed the lives of multiple single parent families with reliable vehicles, at NO cost to them. These parents have gone on to have success stories of their own by using the car as a tool. These vehicles have given them the ability to transform their single parent struggles into a thing of the past. If you would like to learn more, please visit the Website: https://drivingsingleparents.org

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